Customers often ask me if I have any troublesome visiors or if am I worried about my safety, inviting strangers into my home...
No not really, unless I stop to think about it for too long. And even then not really. I always speak on the phone to customers before they arrive, and try to pick up on those that may be wierdos. Obviously that is not really a sound insurance policy. Once inside the house I could probably be overpowered by a big bloke. He would have to be very big and strong though because I would put up a hell of a fight (I am trained in unarmed combat and self-defence, from a previous life).
My answer to their questions usually points out that the 'danger factor' is one reason why my services have to be so expensive. It's only fair to be expensive - Not only am I providing a service, but I'm risking my life for it!
Even with 'normal' customers there is usually a continuous balance of power that I stay aware of. For example a few weeks ago I saw a customer, he was not of large frame but had a very athletic black body. There was not an ounce of fat on him and I could see every muscle. He was quite shy at first but once we got started he wanted to grope me and kiss my tits quite hard as he pushed me up against the windowsill. He seemed totally driven and almost overcome by an animal-like passion. It quite turned me on. He said he liked my body - that it was the body of a "real woman, with a proper arse and hips and big tits" (Great!). As he manhandled me I had the feeling that he could overpower me in an instant if he chose to. But it didn't worry me, I sensed that it was merely the throes of passion and he didn't mean me any harm.
I retain the power of allowing him to do certain things. As soon as I say "No I wont suck your cock without a condom" or "Ow that hurts can you please be more gentle", then I get uncomplaining compliance from him.
I'm not complacent though. I'm touching wood when I say that I've been lucky so far.
No not really, unless I stop to think about it for too long. And even then not really. I always speak on the phone to customers before they arrive, and try to pick up on those that may be wierdos. Obviously that is not really a sound insurance policy. Once inside the house I could probably be overpowered by a big bloke. He would have to be very big and strong though because I would put up a hell of a fight (I am trained in unarmed combat and self-defence, from a previous life).
My answer to their questions usually points out that the 'danger factor' is one reason why my services have to be so expensive. It's only fair to be expensive - Not only am I providing a service, but I'm risking my life for it!
Even with 'normal' customers there is usually a continuous balance of power that I stay aware of. For example a few weeks ago I saw a customer, he was not of large frame but had a very athletic black body. There was not an ounce of fat on him and I could see every muscle. He was quite shy at first but once we got started he wanted to grope me and kiss my tits quite hard as he pushed me up against the windowsill. He seemed totally driven and almost overcome by an animal-like passion. It quite turned me on. He said he liked my body - that it was the body of a "real woman, with a proper arse and hips and big tits" (Great!). As he manhandled me I had the feeling that he could overpower me in an instant if he chose to. But it didn't worry me, I sensed that it was merely the throes of passion and he didn't mean me any harm.
I retain the power of allowing him to do certain things. As soon as I say "No I wont suck your cock without a condom" or "Ow that hurts can you please be more gentle", then I get uncomplaining compliance from him.
I'm not complacent though. I'm touching wood when I say that I've been lucky so far.
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